With the release of OS X, Apple has directly confronted Microsoft's Windows in the ongoing war between Macintosh and the PCs. Vista programs can now run on a Mac and vice versa. You can even set up your computer to dual boot Vista and OS X.


Step 1

Buy a full version of OS X or Vista. Since your are adding a totally different operating system to the computer, you can't use upgrade versions of the software. Make sure you purchase a 32-bit version of the new software if you have a 32-bit version of your current software.

Step 2

Back up your files before you dual boot. Whenever you make changes to your hard drive, you risk losing information on that drive.

Step 3

Create a partition large enough for the operating system and programs working with Vista or OS X, depending on your original computer. For example, divide a 250-gigabyte hard drive into 150 gigabytes for the original system and a new partition of 100 gigabytes for OS X and its programs. After you calculate the recommended space needed for the new operating system and programs, add extra space for future programs.

Step 4

Restart the computer to see the new partitions.

Step 5

Put the installation disk in the appropriate drive and wait a moment for the installation menu to appear.

Step 6

Choose the "Custom" option for the type of installation you want to perform. If you choose the "Standard" option, you will create problems for the computer as you try to install a totally different operating system over your current system.

Step 7

Select the partition drive you created to install the new operating system. Do not select the "C" drive as the location for your new operating system.

Step 8

Select the button to start the installation. Follow the onscreen instructions to add activation codes, register the software and set up your personal preferences for the new operating system.

Step 9

Choose the operating system you want to use in your dual-boot system when the computer reboots and when you start the computer in the future.


Source : eHow Computers Editor

1 Comment

  1. Silviu  

    October 17, 2010 at 3:45 PM


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